Senin, 12 April 2010


In war, the ingenuity also required. In fact, in certain cases, ingenuity could save lives. Perhaps this principle also held by an infantry soldier from the kingdom of Liang, who was played by Jackie Chan. With the cleverness he also survived the massacre and even he managed a general hostage opponent. Infantry soldier is indeed very clever. He has special expertise who always saved him from death. He was good at pretending to be dead. In fact he also designed a special tool that makes it look like a die pierced by arrows. When the war ended, this clever soldiers 'rise from the dead' and started looking for shelter. Not unexpectedly, he found a general of the kingdom of Wei, played by Wang Leehom.Sekali again proves cleverness infantryman. When he managed to bring home the generals opposed this then we can be sure he will get an award from the king. Unfortunately this time the warrior cunning plan was not running smoothly as before. Throughout the trip I could not help the soldiers and the generals must shoulder to shoulder just to survive.

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