Rabu, 14 April 2010


Synopsis : 
For most people, dealing with the devil is something that should be avoided but not for Dr. Parnassus (Christopher Plummer) who actually tried to outsmart the devil. Results from the first betting Dr.Parnassus by the Devil to produce immortality for Dr. Parnassus who reputedly had a thousand years old.Instead of enjoying his victory, Dr. Parnassus in fact challenging the demon that manifests itself into Mr. Nick (Tom Waits) to bet again.This time, Dr. Parnassus back to winning and successfully exchanged the eternal with the ability to not grow old forever. But this time Mr. Nick asked in return. The first child of Dr.. Parnassus will become possessed by the devil when he turns sixteen.When the closer the agreement, Dr. Parnassus was getting restless. He did not want Valentine (Lily Cole), his beautiful daughter become the property of Mr.. Nick aka the Devil, but the agreement is an agreement and Dr. Parnassus can not just cancel it. Now Dr. Parnassus began designing a scenario to trick the Devil.He again invited the Devil to bet. Whoever can get the fastest five soul is entitled to the Valentine.To ensure the plan goes smoothly, Dr. Parnassus also rely on the help of Tony (Heath Ledger / Johnny Depp / Jude Law / Colin Farrell) to help him win a bet with the Devil.

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